Avoid scares and breakdowns in your electric car by reviewing these 4 elements

Faults in the electric car also exist. It is true that this type of electrified vehicle has appeared before our eyes (and our pockets) as a type of car that differs from a conventional combustion car in that, having fewer components, they have simpler mechanics and, therefore, So, less maintenance.

This is so because everything is based on an electrical system in which the energy to move the wheels is obtained from the electricity that is stored in a battery and turns one or more electric motors. But this does not mean that they do not suffer breakdowns, far from it, nor are they exempt from carrying out possible maintenance over time. To achieve this (and avoid major scares), it is necessary that we review certain elements from time to time. Some are shared with internal combustion vehicles, such as those related to brakes and tires, for example. However, there are others, such as those that have to do with the charging socket or the battery, which are exclusively electric car breakdowns.

The tires, always ready to avoid breakdowns in your electric car

Starting with the tires, those of an electric car can be specific to optimize rolling resistance. Lower resistance is higher energy efficiency. But, in addition, you can use conventional ones as long as it is the specific size for your car.

And as in any car, tire maintenance is key to safety and savings, as well as better autonomy. For this reason, the pressure must be monitored, at least once a month, and check that they do not have cuts, scratches, or excessive wear. These, as such, should be changed every 30,000 or 40,000 km.

Pay attention to the cable and the charging socket

Just as air conditioning failures in thermal cars are relatively frequent, charging socket failures are among the most common in electric vehicles. However, it should be known that most of them are caused by our bad handling.

Pulling the cable with which the car is charged without having released the lock, hitting it while it is plugged in, manipulating the cable connector in a careless way, or forcing the system trying to make it fit correctly are some of the actions that can damage the charging socket and require repair. In these, and before carrying out any operation, it is best to always check that it does not have marks or cuts that could hinder the operation, as well as to treat everything gently when using it.

Monitor brake wear and regenerative braking force

The brakes of electric vehicles wear less than those of a conventional car. Because? Because the electric motor and regenerative braking help stop the car and mean less wear on pads and fluid.

The brakes of an electric car require about half the maintenance of a combustion model. Even so, the brake fluid must be checked since it also deteriorates over time.

Check the good condition of the power electronics

Likewise, and as something specific to electric cars themselves to isolate any problem with the vehicle, it is important that we take good care of aspects such as power electronics.

This is something that should be reviewed, especially when we have to go to the workshop when it's time. Thus, it will check the electrical connections, the insulation of the cables, the motor, and the battery. This operation will have to be done by a specialized team, so it is very important that you take your electricity to an official workshop.


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