Do you know how old Lamborghini is? More than half a century...

 The automotive sector is a dream factory for the most passionate. Among all the constellations of firms that make us sigh we can mention Ferrari, Lamborghini, Maserati, or Aston Martin. However, each and every one of them has a past that, in addition to being glorious, also has a high dose of drama. Yes, since in many moments of their lives, they have been on a tightrope and on the verge of disappearing. But there are also celebrations.

Lamborghini is one of those brands with tradition. True, it is not the oldest among its peers but its legacy and history do match them and one only has to look back to realize what it has achieved. Especially in recent years, although its beginnings were also groundbreaking due to its foundational concept. Now in the brand, they are celebrating because they celebrate nothing more and nothing less than six decades of life. An exciting life...

Lamborghini was founded on May 7, 1963, as a spin-off from the tractor manufacturer that came to light in 1948...

As you well know, on May 7, 1963, Automobili Ferruccio Lamborghini S.a.s was born. Its creator was none other than Ferruccio Lamborghini, although its foundation was not directly as a sports car manufacturer. It arose as a spin-off of the company that was born in 1948 and that was dedicated to the manufacture of tractors. The reason for creating it was none other than the continuous problems that Ferruccio had with the clutch on his Ferrari 250 GTB.

After complaining to Enzo Ferrari and telling him that his cars "were rubbish", he decided to find out what was happening on his behalf. And his surprise was that the 250 GTB used the same clutch as his tractors. From then on he decided to create his brand of cars with which to compete against Ferrari. This is how the 350 GT was born in 1964, its first model and the myth that released the 3.5-liter V12 block at 60º with 320 CV of power. From there the legend is immeasurable.

But it would not be until 1966 that the Lamborghini Miura would be born, premiering the trade names with the bulls as protagonists. It was designed by the great Marcello Gandini for Bertone and is today among the most beautiful cars of all time. However, its technique was not revolutionary because it inherited from the 400 GT the suspension and the 3.9-liter V12 engine with a power that oscillated between 350 CV (257 kW) and 385 CV (283 kW).

What is the present and future of the House of Sant'Agata Bolognese?

Lamborghini is currently part of the Volkswagen Group. In recent months there has been much talk about a possible sale but for the moment it has not been closed. Now it is a renowned manufacturer of supercars that is starting its transition toward mass electrification. But before that, it has not had any qualms about making the leap to one of the most lucrative commercial segments of the moment, since it launched the Urus SUV on the market…


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