Synthetic fuel could save Ferrari's thermal engines from 2035

Synthetic fuel could prevent Ferrari's thermal engines from disappearing after 2035. Even so, the company will also launch electric cars.

In recent weeks there has been a lot of talk about synthetic fuels. This new alternative and carbon-neutral fuel seem like an escape route for many manufacturers that focus their products on internal combustion engines, such as Ferrari or Lamborghini, especially given the ban on selling these types of engines from 2035.

But, with e-fuel, a new scenario opens up for these brands, which could continue selling cars with internal combustion engines beyond 2035 if they use synthetic fuels. Ferrari is in this situation, whose top manager, Benedetto Vigna, has hinted at the possibility of continuing to invest in combustion engines thanks to e-fuel.

Synthetic fuel could save Ferrari's thermal engines from 2035

Vigna said that with the rapid expansion that synthetic fuel is undergoing in recent months, the "internal combustion engine still has a lot to do", although the Ferrari CEO thought that "the discussion that was taking place a few weeks ago about the adoption synthetic fuel… it would happen in 2025 or 2026.”

The CEO of the Italian company also pointed out that “this is very good for us because you can drive a car with a neutral fuel [in carbon emissions]. I think the two are very compatible and this is a reinforcement of our strategy”.

As for the strategy that Ferrari will follow in the coming years, there is the ambitious goal of achieving neutrality in CO2 emissions by 2030, something that today seems a little closer to being a reality thanks, precisely, to e-fuel.

Also to the fact that Ferrari has not closed in on the electric car. In fact, it has been working on its development for a long time and the first fully electric vehicle of the 'Prancing Horse brand should arrive in 2025. As Vigna himself explained, the vehicle is almost ready to debut.

However, at the moment we do not have details about what this first pure electric car from Ferrari will be like, nor data related to its propulsion system.

Ferrari has also remained tight-lipped when it comes to giving details about its strategy for upcoming launches and how it will adapt its products to integrate synthetic fuel. For now, all we know is that the brand will continue to launch hybrid, electric, and combustion cars in the coming years.

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