The best ways to get the most out of your electric car on the road

The electric car is something completely new for many drivers, also for those who are on road trips. This is as much for its technology as for the sensations it offers. What does not change is the essentials of driving, you just have to know some aspects to get the most out of this new mobility.

It is true that for many newcomers it can be a radical change to go from a combustion vehicle with manual transmission to an electric one. But while it may sound complicated, it only takes a minute to get used to the comfort and joy of electric driving.

Make use of regenerative braking

One of the characteristics of the electric vehicle is that it obtains energy in two ways: the first is by using charging stations with an electrical connection; the second while driving your car.

The latter is based on an inverter that is responsible for regenerating energy when the vehicle is in motion. In this specific case, the electric car charges when decelerating. This is what is known as regenerative braking. Its operation is very simple; once we lift our foot off the accelerator, it is the inverter that will charge the power batteries. Regenerative braking is activated by applying the brake or with additional systems such as paddles.

Loads on long journeys

This is something we should always keep in mind. And it is that, if we are going to make a long-distance trip, we can charge the battery to 100%, but to get the most out of it, it is better to change it back to a maximum of 80% when you get home and go back to do your daily journeys.

Or what is the same; It is advisable to always charge up to 80% of the battery, but when we are going to make a long trip, it is advisable to charge the battery to 100% in AC to take advantage of that extra 20% that will give us more kilometers of autonomy for the trip. Once back home and our daily routine of moving around in our day-to-day, it is better to charge up to 80%.

One-pedal driving

At present, and thanks to new technologies, there are many models of electric cars that have the one-pedal or e-pedal function, which exerts maximum retention as soon as we take our foot off the accelerator and, with a little practice, makes it almost unnecessary to step on the brake, being able to drive only with the accelerator.

The energy regeneration system makes the most of this retention to recharge the battery and by not using the brake, the life of all the components of the braking system is extended. Some models even advertise that they will not have to change brake pads or discs during the life of the vehicle.

Save energy with ECO mode

Another great way to drive an electric car on the road is to use the ECO mode, a driving mode that is really interesting, as it offers very good performance on long journeys.

Thus, this system adapts the response to the accelerator and the power delivered by the engine, which has an impact on energy savings that we will notice in the autonomy of the vehicle, recharging times, and expense. In addition, with ECO mode activated, this operation of the car causes engine performance to be reduced to save electricity.



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