The mule of the new electric Renault 5 is again hunted in spy photos with an important advance

The development of the new Renault 5 is more than advanced. The firm already has produced prototypes of the new 100% electric utility that will replace the ZOE, a model that it guards with absolute zeal and that has been caught in spy photos with a new test mule.

Last summer, a mule of the new Renault 5 made an appearance in southern Europe. It was the starting signal for the modern reinterpretation of one of the most representative models of the French brand in the 80s of the last century, which was completely transformed into a saga that continues to this day, the Clio.

Those of the Rombo decided to accompany this utility with a zero-emission version, being one of the first generalists to get fully into the field of electric cars with the ZOE. An option whose commercial life is sentenced pending the debut of the new Renault 5, and of which we know that there are already camouflaged prototypes guarded with absolute zeal. Renault has only made known the existence of the mule hunted last summer, but the French firm is now in the Alps carrying out tests with a more advanced test unit, like the one you see below these lines.

The mule of the new electric Renault 5 takes an important step forward

This new spy photo still shows a strong resemblance to the Clio, with its wider wheel arches, but it's perfectly clear that the front is already completely new. The grafts attest to this, the headlights have been hidden and the front already looks more prominent with a layer of vinyl that covers the central part of the missing traditional grill. Even the bumper is completely new, clearly indicating where the breath of the electric motor is located.

A first step forward that has been seen in some tests of brakes, and of the regenerative braking system, in the Austrian region of Grossglockner, the ideal setting thanks to its steep slopes with a drop of up to 1,500 meters, for which they are also testing its new electric motor «ePT-100kW» that develops a maximum power of 136 CV.

The electric Renault 5 will hit the market in 2024 with a cheap price

The objective of the Rombo brand is to present the production model this summer, despite the fact that its prototypes will be seen on the roads during the following months. A reverse procedure to the normal, but with the justified purpose of capturing all the attention of those interested in an electric utility vehicle in the spirit of the classic R5 with a more modern and avant-garde touch, which will go on sale in 2024 and with a price that can put the competition in serious trouble, in the orbit of 20,000 euros.


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