Three reasons to change your car if you are over 10 years old

Those who like cars, when they choose one, end up becoming more than rationally attached to it. As the years go by, experiences accumulate good and bad memories... that make the moment of farewell harder than it should be. However, it has just arrived and we are going to give you three reasons to change your car if it is more than 10 years old.

You are not as sure as you should

Time does not pass in vain, especially in a sector such as the automotive sector, strongly linked to technology and in which advances arrive almost continuously.

Some of them focus on infotainment, something that logically marks a huge distance in current models compared to those of a decade ago, but, although it is a point to consider, it is also clear that it is something accessory and that it would not justify changing the model either car.

However, there is another area related to technology that does affect a major aspect that should make you consider replacing your vehicle: safety.

And we are talking about both the active one, where evolution may be more appreciated, and the passive one, which can go unnoticed. The construction of the cars is better than a few years ago, elements such as airbags perform better and are more numerous, restraint systems for the smallest, etc.

And in terms of active safety, the difference is even more relevant, since the systems that almost any vehicle has today are those that 10 years ago or more were only reserved for premium models or higher segments.

They begin to accumulate extra expenses

In the same way that it happens with human beings, over the years ailments in cars begin to be noticed, something that usually has as a direct consequence an incessant trickle of small problems that result in going to the checkout more frequently than which we would like.

It is logical that with the passage of time, certain parts begin to show wear and tear and have to be replaced, but it can range from cheap and easy-to-replace elements to "destroyers" that can mean a huge outlay if you are unlucky enough to get it. to you.

Not to mention when there comes a period when it seems that everything comes together and the car spends more time in the workshop than at home.

If this is your situation, it may be a good time to change cars. It is an expensive investment, but in "plugging holes" in your old car you will also be leaving a good sum, and you will also save yourself headaches.

The labels begin to press

If your car has a decade behind it, we are talking about a registration date in 2013 or earlier. It is within the parameters of cars with an environmental label, but depending on the fuel it uses, it is barely saved or not: a gasoline of that year already enjoys the C label, at best "not electrified", but a diesel already it is B.

This means that it is on the trigger and, given the course of the situation, it will be the next group in the crosshairs of the Low Emission Zones (ZBE) and mobility restrictions. There is still no road map in this regard, but in the coming years, the logical thing is that they will also be affected by the regulations.

It might be a good move to sell it now that that tag still has some value.

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