EMSP, another new business that has been created from the rise of electric cars

The world of electric cars brings with it many new technologies, as well as business opportunities. Of course, not only car manufacturers benefit. For an electric car to work, it is also necessary to be able to charge it, and this inevitably leads to charging points, another technology that is also under development and that drives the emergence of new businesses such as CPOs or EMSPs, different concepts but that are related

We already talked about CPOs in another article, in this case, we will focus on talking about EMSPs, how they differ from CPOs, and what their functions are.

What is an EMSP?

EMSP stands for “e-Mobility Service Provider”, which translated into Spanish means “electric mobility service provider”. It is a company that offers charging services to electric car drivers. This company is the one that is responsible for serving users.

EMSPs locate charging points, make them work and handle billing. They usually work through applications, which we can download in the main iOS or Android software stores. These applications allow the user to log in and charge at a charging station or point. Once the session is created, we will be able to locate a charging point and it can even take us to it and then we will be able to manage the charging.

What is the difference between an EMSP and a CPO?

As we explained in the article about what a CPO is, they are charging point operators. In other words, they are the ones in charge of providing, installing and maintaining the charging points in operation.

While the EMSPs are the ones that ensure that the user can carry out the load easily and also that they can pay for it. The EMSPs are the ones who create the applications for the user to manage the charging of the car.

We can say that the CPO is the backend, that is, the part that we do not see, where the charging points are managed, ensuring that they work as they should through the hardware and software, repairing them as soon as possible so that they remain in operation 24 hours a day. of the day

The EMSP is the frontend, the part that the user does see. The EMSP deals directly with the user through the application. The main objective of the EMSP is the driver's satisfaction with the charge, it is totally focused on the customer, while the CPO is more focused on the functionality of the charging points.

Although they are two different roles, a company could be a CPO and an EMSP at the same time. In this way, it will control everything that revolves around the charging points, both their installation and the charging process of the users at their charging points.

EMSP functions

As we have said, EMSPs are focused on customer satisfaction, therefore their main functions have to do with helping the driver find charging stations or points through the application in order to refuel.

They also help to make the charging process as smooth as possible and hassle-free and also offer the user different payment methods so that they can pay for the car charging.

On the other hand, it offers access to third-party charging networks through roaming or roaming, translated into Spanish. This means that the user of an electric car will be able to charge their car through other charging networks, outside the network of their charging service provider, without having to create another account or download another application.

Of course, apart from all this, they must make the application to use intuitive and easy to use so that the user can charge his car in the easiest possible way. In addition, you must issue notifications and you must have contact information for customer service.

In summary, its main function is to help the user to be able to charge their car. Although it seems like a function that is not important, it is quite the opposite, since it is something key for the electric charge of cars. Taking into account the rise of electric cars, EMSPs and CPOs will become more and more relevant.


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