"Maybe the battery is sodium-based", the secret of the future electric Dacia Sandero to be a cheap car

The fourth generation of the Dacia Sandero will be unveiled sometime between 2027 and 2028. Among the main novelties that the successful Dacia utility will debut will be a 100% electric variant. The electric Sandero will be a reality. A model that will sport a "cross oversized" image in the style of the Stepway version and whose battery will be sodium-based according to the latest information.

Dacia has begun preparations to face an ambitious project that will mark its commercial future in the competitive European market. The popular manufacturer of cheap cars must get down to work to carry out the development process of the fourth generation of the Dacia Sandero. A generational change that will mark a turning point in the history of one of the best-selling cars in Europe.

Denis Le Vot himself, CEO of Dacia, has confirmed that the fourth generation of the Sandero will be unveiled sometime between 2027 and 2028. A model that begins to appear on the horizon and that will have the necessary resources to stay alive in dealers until, at the latest, the year 2035. A key date for the most immediate future of the European automotive industry.

The transformation of Dacia Sandero to remain a leader

Le Vot has revealed some of the main issues about the fourth-generation Sandero. It will live it's coming out at a crucial moment for the transition process to electric vehicles on which the European automotive industry has embarked. And it is that by the end of this decade, it will be crystal clear whether or not we will be able to achieve the objective established by Brussels.

In any case, the new Sandero will be ready to face the new times that are coming on the Old Continent. Times marked by sustainable mobility and, more specifically, by electrification at its highest level. Among all the novelties that the fourth generation Sandero will present, a 100% electric variant will stand out. The electric Dacia Sandero will be a reality.

We recently echoed some statements by Le Vot in which he made it clear that the electric Sandero will have an affordable sale price. And for this, a small battery will be prioritized. The future electric Sandero will have a low battery and will not have fast charging technology. "We want a cheaper price for the customer," said the top leader of Dacia.

Dacia opens the door to the use of sodium batteries

The Romanian company is considering various technologies for the battery. One of the options on the table is the use of sodium batteries. Dacia has set out to find battery chemistry that makes it possible to reduce costs as much as possible and, in turn, offer a performance that is acceptable to the public that wants to enter the world of electric mobility. “Maybe the battery is sodium based. Some argue that sodium batteries are not good because they do not store much energy and are heavy. But they are cheap," Le Vot said.

It is also important to note that in the range of the fourth-generation Sandero, there will continue to be thermal versions. Dacia has made it clear that it will continue to bet on cars with internal combustion engines until the last moment. Now, this does not mean that they are going to be conventional mechanics. Hybridization will play a determining role in this aspect.

On the other hand, and no less important, we must point to the design that the Dacia Sandero IV will wear. A model that will bet everything on the “cross-oversized” image. The Dacia SanderoStepway will hold the leading role while the conventional model, the classic utility, will leave the market through the back door.

David Durand, Head of Dacia Design, made it clear that the Sandero will not become an SUV. It will continue to be recognizable as a hatchback-bodied utility. Now, you will have an adventurous image. That is, the Stepway formula will be squeezed to the maximum.



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