This is the day to day with an electric motorcycle in the city

In the urban environment, the electric motorcycle has practically no rival: unrestricted circulation, lower costs, and total respect for the environment.

Although the electric motorcycle is not going through the best of sales moments in our country, it has been shown that it is an efficient transport tool in the city. There are many advantages associated with these vehicles, the most obvious being that we can circulate are restrictions within the Low Emission Zones. To complete the x-ray of the motorcycle in the city, the people of Nerva list the advantages of using their first model, the EXE, in the urban environment.

Don't worry about the charge

One of the main fears of those who consider the possibility of acquiring an electric motorcycle has to do with its load. What if I run out of battery in the middle of the day? Is it difficult to find a public charging point? Years ago, maybe. But not currently. To make the day-to-day life of electrical users easier, applications have been created, such as Electromaps, which allow the closest ones to be located at all times. Thus, you can take advantage of long stops, such as the working day itself, to charge the scooter.

It is important to do it whenever possible, as NERVA points out, to guarantee that we will have a battery at all times, in case unforeseen events arise. In addition, it is also possible to charge an electric scooter like the EXE at home, for example at night, while you sleep, so that it is at 100% when it is time to start the day.


The economic factor is another of the main aspects that are taken into account when considering the acquisition of an electric motorcycle. The purchase price may be high, to begin with, but state aid must always be taken into account, such as the MOVES III Plan, which, in general terms, can discount up to 1,300 euros (for individuals), or special plans, such as the aforementioned Nerva EXE renting, which avoids a large initial outlay and includes services such as comprehensive insurance, when you opt for renting the complete motorcycle.

On the other hand, motorists who decide on an electric car can forget about the gesture of adding gasoline and the economic impact that this entails for them. On a day-to-day basis, the expense will be practically nil. An example: with the EXE, traveling 100 kilometers costs less than two euros. However, with a similar combustion scooter, the cost per 100 kilometers would be 6 euros.

The electric motorcycle barely visits the workshop

The maintenance of the electric motorcycle is much less than that of the combustion one. It is only necessary to carry out a review every 5,000 kilometers, to make sure that the state of the mechanical elements of the motorcycle is correct. This, in addition to avoiding one of those tasks that generate certain tedium on a day-to-day basis, also translates into greater savings in the medium and long term.

On the other hand, there is a series of elements that require special attention and maintenance if we are talking about combustion motorcycles, and that the Nerva EXE does not have, such as gasoline, air and oil filters, motor oil, and coolant or spark plugs Also, thanks to regenerative braking, the pads wear less and have a longer useful life.

No restrictions

One of the main advantages of the electric motorcycle is directly related to its nature. By not making any type of emissions, the restrictions imposed for the urban centers of the main cities, which are increasingly common, do not affect them. In this way, with a scooter like the Nerva EXE, it is possible to travel on all kinds of roads and access areas that other users can only reach by public transport, something perfect for those who work in the center or have to go to it on slight.

In everyday life, one of the main sources of stress and frustration is time. Many times, to arrive on time for an appointment, it is necessary to leave with a very wide margin, due to traffic jams. However, users who bet on two wheels avoid these retentions and can get more out of their days. The time spent commuting (to work, to the gym, to meet friends, between errands...) is reduced and this translates into more space for leisure and personal care.


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